Software - Hardware joke... once a computer geek, always a computer geek! Coming from Ken (aka 'Watson's B*tch' on Reddit) funny. I had a feeling Cindy was going to be excited about the Kit Kat clue. I know I perked up! Thanks for the game recap.
Do you know who was the person who YELLED out at Ken from the audience to point out that he kinda screwed up that "Number, please" category??? Female voice I think?
Software - Hardware joke... once a computer geek, always a computer geek! Coming from Ken (aka 'Watson's B*tch' on Reddit) funny. I had a feeling Cindy was going to be excited about the Kit Kat clue. I know I perked up! Thanks for the game recap.
Do you know who was the person who YELLED out at Ken from the audience to point out that he kinda screwed up that "Number, please" category??? Female voice I think?
Cliffhanger!!!! 😁❤️