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Mira Hayward
What a stunning color blouse! It’s a similar style to (but not the same as) her Day 1 blue silk blouse. She always wears lovely drapey fabrics!
Kendra Westerhaus
Nice green and black combo! A jewel tone top with a black blazer is a classic Jeopardy! look (we have not had a lot of green yet in Season 39 though!)
Jeff Paine
Ooh love this floral tie! Nice pink and grey color scheme (actually this would be a great tie for Ken! Maybe Jeff will let him borrow it!)
Ken Jennings
Ken wore this blue checkered tie on the first day of this season (9/12/22) and on 12/21/22. Also his Bob Dylan impression tonight wasn’t bad!
I appreciated the design work in that Lawyer Billboards category (despite 3/5 being Triple Stumpers!)
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I will Mira. She is the cutest!! Also, I think Ken looked extra sharp today.