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Spoilers for today’s game
Yogesh Raut - Day 4
Well, we never solved the mystery of what happened to Yogesh’s planned outfits, though people had some fun theories. He is wearing the same blue shirt as Day 1 & 3 (or a different shirt that is the same color?)
Jimmy Davoren
Like I need to understand the physics of how this is even possible.
And his anecdote was badass.
Katie Palumbo
In the preview photo I couldn’t see the details very well, but this solid black outfit has a nice sweater texture and a crossover front! She also has a patch or logo of some kind on the left sleeve and I’m interested to know what the earrings are.
I really loved her manner of answering calmly and clearly.
UPDATE: A kind reader found a link to the sweater!

Ken Jennings
I don’t think we’ve seen this tie before! The pattern is hard to identify on screen because the colors kind of blur together, but might be a paisley design?
I always like trying to capture the contestant reactions after a surprising/close win!
Congratulations Katie! Your museum sounds really cool.
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