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Troy Meyer
Troy is wearing his outfit from Day 2, but with the jacket unbuttoned this time. This outfit reminds me of both Michael Cera’s Celebrity Jeopardy! outfits layered together.
Also, if you thought Troy seemed shorter yesterday and today, you’re not hallucinating! He was sitting in a chair behind the podium. A few weeks ago on the Inside Jeopardy! podcast, they discussed Ray Lalonde’s swaying and mentioned that contestants are allowed to play seated if necessary. So Troy must have needed/requested a chair during the lunch break between the Wednesday & Thursday game.
Jake DeArruda
Oh this is a VERY Cris Pannullo outfit! I like the maroon sweater a lot. And Jake was an energetic, emotive contestant, fun to watch!
Dee Williams
Oh I really like Dee’s style. The shirt is nicely fitted and looks good with the cardigan. I love her earrings (looks like an atom design?), nose ring, and hair covering. Very understated but youthful style.
Ken Jennings
Ken has worn this tie several times and I’m convinced it’s tiny flowers but it’s so difficult to distinguish on screen! I wish the pattern were just a bit bigger.
I enjoyed Jake’s “thinking” pose during Final Jeopardy!
Weekly Collage
A lot of neutral colors this week! ZERO ties and ZERO quarter zips! This is the third week this season with 0 ties (Week 7, 17, and 20) but Week 7 & 17 had 1 quarter zip each.
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